Electronics Lab
Responsible: Giovanni A. Salvatore
Instruments and tools:
- Probe station FormFactor EPS150TRIAX-EDU.
- Keysight B1500A semiconductor parameter analyzer.
- Dual channel lock-in amplifier, dual channel source meter, 2 x waveform generators, oscilloscope, virtual network analyzer, bench power supply, cDAQ bundle + chassis, USRP transmitters, LCR meter, and digital multimeter.
- CI Systems SR-800N extended area blackbody source.
- Stretching set-up.
- 3D printer, dispenser, analytic scales, film applicator, benchtop programmable mechanical cutter plotter.
- Zeiss stereo-microscope.
- Fume hood, hot plates, and soldering station.
Laser Optics Lab
Responsible: Enrico Trave
Instruments and tools:
- Renishaw inVia confocal Raman spectrometer with three laser wavelengths (514 nm, 633 nm, and 785 nm), three gratings (1200 l/mm, 1800 l/mm, and 2400 l/mm) + Linkam thermal stage
- Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy setup.
- Spectrofluorometer.
- Q-switched Nd:YAG laser + Optical parametric oscillator (OPO).
- 8 W Ar-Kr continuous-wave (CW) laser multiline.
Sputtering Lab
Responsible: Elti Cattaruzza
Instruments and tools:
- Custom-built RF-magnetron sputtering system for thin films deposition, equipped with three independent circular (2 inches diameter), water-cooled, planar radiofrequency (13.56 MHz) magnetron sources. The circular sample holder (11.3 cm diameter) can be RF-biased and/or heated during deposition (up to about 500°C). Three different and independent working gas lines are present.
- Dual-frequency atmospheric plasma jet for cold, efficient and clean plasma surface treatments.
- Alpha-Step profiler for 2D profiling, providing up to 2000 μm vertical range, Ångström resolution, low force (down to 1 mg).